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Discover our impressive collection of projects developed using top-notch technologies such as React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, and many more.
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Note: Some of the project demos might not work due to reasons such as lack of maintenance, outdated technology, or use of deprecated APIs.
Note: All the projects are not mine. Some of them are just for learning purposes and some of them I have refaranced from other developers from YouTube or other platforms.
276 Projects Found
3D Background
3D Book Mockup
3D Card Flip
3D Control Image Rotation 2 On Mousemove
3D Control Image Rotation On Mousemove
3D Editable Text
3D Layered Image
3D Rotating Image Gallery
3D Rotating Image Gallery 2
3D Swipe Slider Using Materialize
3D Video Cube
3D Video Sphere
Accordion using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Accordion using React JS
Airbnb Clone React JS
Animated Bubbles
Animated Eyes Follow Mouse Cursor
Animated JS Counter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Auto Text Effect using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Background Parallax Effect on Mousemove
Background Slider using HTML CSS and JavaScript
Breaking Bad Cast
Capture Portfolio using React JS
Click And Hold Effects
Color Shade Generator with React JS
Comet Effects on Mousemove
Contact Form with Netlify Forms
Crypto Check
CSS Theme Switcher using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Custom Video Player using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Dashboard UI From Design Daily
Disney Plus Clone with React JS
Drag N Drop using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Dynamic Images Slider using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Exchange Rate Calculator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Expanding Cards using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
FAQ Collapse using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Firebase Chat App with Chat Engine
Firegram Instagram with Firebase
Fireworks with JavaScript
Fluid Image Pop Up using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Flying Rocket with Flames Animation
Form Validator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Generate Gradient BG Automatically using Grade Js
Git O Get
Google Clone React JS
Google Login in Next.js with Appwrite
Gym Website Landing with Tailwind
Hidden Search Widget using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Hulu UI Clone with React JS
Ignite - Search and Explore Games
Image Gallery with HTML CSS and JavaScript
Image Liquid Distortion WebGL with HTML and CSS
Inshorts Clone React JS
Instagram Clone With React JS
Landing Page Using Three JS
Meal Finder using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Mega Menu using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Menu app using React JS
Menu Slider And Modal using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Metaverse Landing with Next JS
Microsoft Homepage Clone
Monsters Rolodex
Mousemove 3D Parallax Tilt Effect using Tilt.js
Movie DB React App
Movie List App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Movie Seat Booking using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Movies Series Entertainment using React JS
Music Player using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Music Player using React JS
Muuri Grid using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Netflix clone with React JS
Netflix Landing Page Clone
New Year Countdown using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Number Counter Preloader with HTML and CSS
Online Pathshala
Person Money List using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Photography Gallery
Pintrest UI Clone With React JS
Pokedex using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Portfolio Website
Post Dashboard with Pagination Using React JS
Prize Number Picker Wheel with React JS
Product Landing Page Using React
Progress Steps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Random Image Feed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
React Movie Search
Real Estate Landing Page Using React
Responsive Homepage using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Rotating Navigation using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Save Earth Parallax Effect
Save Form data in Google Sheets with Next JS
Scratch Effects ScratchPad.js
Scroll Animation using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Scroll Animation Using Scrollmagic
ScrollTrigger Image Scroll
ScrollTrigger Reveal Elements On Page Scroll
ScrollTrigger Text Scroll
Sliding Form using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Social Media Accordion using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Song and Lyrics Search App
Split Banner On Page Scroll with HTML and CSS
Spotify Better with React JS
Spotify Clone With Next JS and Tailwind
Starbucks Landing Page
Stock Photos App React JS
Stranger Things API
Swiper.js 3D Coverflow Effect
Swiper.js 3D Cube Effect
Swiper.js 3D Flip Effect
Swiper.js 3D Pagination Progress
Swiper.js 3D Slides Per Column
Swiper.js 3D Slides Per View
Swiper.js 3D Thumbs Gallery With Loop Mode
Swiper.js 3D With Zoom
Swiper.js Fade Effect
Thanos Snap Effect using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Toast Notification using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Trading Website with React JS
Travel Website Video Background
Travel Website With Video Background
Verify Account UI using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Weather App with React JS
Word Dictionary with React JS
Working Calendar using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Zipcode App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript